Top 5 Muscle Mass Gainer Supplements
Whether you are an elite athlete looking to fuel your training, or you’re someone simply looking to put on size, gain muscle, and build muscle fast, you’re likely someone who would be interested in a mass gainer supplement.
Mass gainers are typically made up of a full macronutrient profile in conjunction with a sufficient amount of micronutrients (vitamins and minerals) as well! They’re often consumed in the form of a powdered protein shake and can be categorized as a meal replacement due to their high caloric makeup.
Depending on your goals and preferences, the mass gainer you choose will reflect that. Some want fewer calories with more nutrients, while others prefer more calories and protein.
Nevertheless, in this article, we’re going to be breaking down our top five muscle mass gainer supplements so that you can make a more informed choice as to which one is right for you!
Let’s get into it…
1. Mutant Mass
Coming in at number 1, arguably the best muscle mass gainer on the market today, Mutant Mass!
This is a top option for elite performance athletes and bodybuilders alike. Drink it in the morning or right after training and enjoy the benefits that follow. It mixes quite well and the flavour options are plentiful!
Mutant Mass’ product highlights per serving:
- 56 grams of protein
- 196 grams of carbs
- 12 grams of fat
- 1100 calories
Mutant Mass is a popular choice for a reason. If you want to gain muscle and pack on the pounds, check out the link below to learn more!
2. Optimum Nutrition Serious Mass
Optimum Nutrition adds a lot of their value through the nutritional ingredients that it provides in their products… In Serious Mass, you can expect a number of essential vitamins and minerals, along with a balanced protein-to-calorie ratio.
While those on mass gainers are typically looking to put on some serious size, vitamins and minerals are typically lower on their priority list. Nonetheless, it’s certainly an added perk!
It comes in five different flavours so variety of choice is certainly not an issue.
Per serving, Serious Mass offers:
- 50 grams of protein
- 250 grams of carbs
- 1250 calories
If you need to gain some ‘serious mass’, look no further.
3. The Bulk Protein Company Serious Gainz
If you’re training to add lean muscle, a lean muscle gainer like Serious Gainz might be the choice for you.
Enjoy high-quality protein in the right amounts, flavours that will rock your world, and an amount of calories that won’t bloat you before your next meal!
Serious Gainz supplement facts:
- 30 grams of protein
- 81 grams of carbs
- 3.5 grams of fat
- 468 calories
Balance your diet and achieve some “serious gainz” with The Bulk Protein Company’s muscle mass gainer!
4. Dymatize Super Mass Gainer
Dymatize has been around for a while. They’re a trusted source for supplements and they offer a killer mass gainer that can be enjoyed by the masses.
Not only does it provide you with all the macronutrients and calories that you need, but it also comes equipped with creatine, essential vitamins and minerals, and some great flavours as well!
What’s in Super Mass Gainer:
- 52 grams of protein
- 246 grams of carbs
- 9 grams of fat
- 1280 calories
If you’re looking for a great starter mass gainer, Dymatize Super Mass Gainer might be the one for you!
Purchase Super Mass Gainer here!
5. MuscleTech Mass Tech
Last but certainly not least is the mass gainer by MuscleTech. Not only does it provide you with a sufficient amount of calories and macronutrients, but it also provides you with 10 grams of creatine per serving, not to mention the amino acid profile that it offers.
It comes in three flavours: Vanilla, Chocolate, and Birthday Cake. While the latter is quite the interesting flavour, its overall flavour offerings are disappointing to say the least…
Mass Tech’s Nutritional Info per serving is as follows:
- 63 grams of protein
- 132 grams of carbs
- 7 grams of fat
- 840 calories
Muscle Tech’s Mass Tech is a great option, nonetheless. It gives you all that you need and it won’t break the bank.
While supplementing with protein and mass gainers may not prove to be overly effective for the untrained individual, as the duration, frequency, and intensity of training begins to increase, supplementation can certainly be highly beneficial.
When your main goal is hypertrophy, muscle gain, and weight gain, be sure to focus heavily on training and nutrition. Then and only then is when supplementation should be introduced!
With that said, Mass gainers can be a fantastic tool, and if used properly, serious gains can be made. Good luck!